Padma glides past you and slides into one of the seats around the table. Reaching into her small, brightly colored bag, she retrieves a clear orb, about the size of a grapefruit.

Placing it on a small pedestal in the middle of the table, she turns to you and says, “My father is researching Metaphysical Physiologies. He is encouraging me to search the void – to gaze with an open mind and see if anything gazes back.”

She looks to you as calmly, as if she just commented on the weather.

“Care to take a peek?”

You are about to decline this very odd offer, when you are suddenly drawn to the candlelight dancing strangely across the perfectly spherical crystal. You slowly approach and sit, unable to take your eyes off of the dancing light. You swear you can almost see a pattern to the rhythmic flickering. 

Suddenly, you are no longer in a train car. You are in a deep, dark place, lit only by pale blue light. You go to call out and only bubbles escape your mouth. 

Underwater. You must be underwater. But…how did you get here? Looking up you see a pale light and a small boat shaped like a teardrop. The light is coming from a lantern that is hanging on it from a long hooked rod. 

Looking back down, in the vast depths of the inky black, you feel a sudden stirring in the waters.

Just then, a shadow approaches swiftly, emerging from the algae and floating debris. It’s long, purple tail shimmers, catching the incredibly dim light that somehow pierces the black. The reflection from its tail illuminates the body of a mermaid, equal parts beautiful and dangerous, covered head-to-toe in beautiful purple scales.

You feel yourself reach out and take hold of the beautiful tail of this creature. It shakes loose, but grabs your hand and moves it from her tail to her shoulder. A small purple scale releases smoothly from her shoulder, and she smiles.


“Well, I only see my reflection.”

Padma’s small voice sings this statement more than she says it. The soft, calming sound of her voice has somehow snapped you out of your vision.

“My father said that he believes Seers and Oracles are all but extinct. He thinks most modern magical beings claiming to see the future are just looking for attention or galleons.”

If Padma would doubt you, you decide it probably best to keep this entire thing to yourself. However, you can’t help but ruminate over its meaning. 

You continue to listen to the other Ravenclaw students talk of small things. Distracted as you are, you can’t help but be drawn into their talk of sorting and of the four noble Houses. They speculate on new teachers and talk of favorite classes.

You are interrupted by the train compartment door loudly opening. A young girl enters, followed by a boy. The girl has frizzy dark hair, brown eyes, and protruding teeth. Cowering behind her is a round-faced boy, with a short, chubby build and blond hair. The girl speaks with a strong voice, “Have any of you seen a toad? Neville has lost his toad, Trevor, and I’m trying to help him find it.”

Turn to Page 212.

Magical Me





