You open the door and quietly slip outside into the narrow alley. You quickly run, following the alley away from the noises. Around a sharp turn, the way opens up a little wider and there is a sign in the ground that reads 'Knockturn Alley.' You stop for a moment to catch your breath.

From a nearby alley, you overhear a man with a trembling voice arguing with another, stronger voice. They were both whispering, and you only hear some of the conversation.

"I have a plan, but...when it is so well guarded...I know they are, I saw them at the Leaky Cauldron...I'm sorry, I will figure it out..."

Unfortunately, you don't hear anything else. A strong hand clasps your shoulder and spins you around.

"Here you are!" Says a wizard in bright yellow robes. "You're coming with me, young one." 

The wizard pulls out a long black stick and begins waving it across your body. When it passes over your backpack, it lets out a loud howl that makes you wince.

"What's that?!" The wizard demands. "Have you stolen a wand?!"

The noise from the baton attracts the attention of several people nearby.

"I mistook you for a , but that is the sound only made when a muggle or squib has a wand in their possession!"  

The wizard drops the baton and pulls out his wand. Keeping his eyes on you, he points his wand directly overhead and sends out a shower of bright red sparks, high into the air.

Just then, you feel another hand on you. A strong tug pulls you backwards, and you hear a whispered, "Obliviate..." as a strange white light flies past your shoulder and strikes the wizard in the yellow robes squarely between his eyes.

Before you can protest, you are pulled by your backpack into a nearby building. A loud "DING!" announces your entrance to a store, and you are released. Spinning around, you find yourself face-to-face with none other than Professor Quirrell.

"Hello, . We need to talk."

Turn to page 100.

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